Friday, October 23, 2009

Rolling Stone Reviews the 'New Moon' Soundtrack

Rolling Stone reviewed the New Moon soundtrack and gave it 3 1/2 Stars! Here is some of what they had to say about it:

The genius of the Twilight saga is the way it celebrates the passion of the all-American fang hag, with Robert Pattinson as the perfect plasma-slurping pinup boy: He's hot, he's sexy, and he's undead. So New Moon is a movie soundtrack, but it's also a concept album about the bond between teenage girls and their imaginary bloodsucker boyfriends.

As a movie, New Moon isn't too far from Pretty in Pink — except now Duckie's a werewolf. So it's fitting that the soundtrack is up to that same standard of excellence, piling on the New Wave melodrama. Where the original Twilight soundtrack went for rock bombast, as in Paramore's hit "Decode," this year's model is hushed and atmospheric. New Moon rounds up a crew of indie-rock heavyweights — Thom Yorke, Death Cab for Cutie, Grizzly Bear, Bon Iver — and you can bet your Team Jacob T-shirt they all rise to the occasion. Death Cab set the pace with their excellent "Meet Me on the Equinox," an Edward-and-Bella makeout song where Ben Gibbard broods, "Let our bodies intertwine/ But always understand that everything ends." Nosferatu-tastic!

Read the entire review here.

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