Friday, October 30, 2009

New Moon Cast Answers Fan Questions!

MTV chatted with the cast and asked them questions from the fans (except me...I didn't know I could ask questions...did you):

Nikki Reed

Q: In "New Moon," Rosalie is the one who tells Edward that Bella has died. Do you think that Edward had a right to know, or do you personally think it was none of her business to tell him?

Reed: I am always going to come to Rosalie's defense and say that she wasn't just trying to hurt him. I mean, he is her brother and she does love him. She felt bad for how she has treated their entire relationship, and maybe it was her way of taking the initiative and wanting to be the one to break the news to him. She wasn't lying to him; this is what Alice thought and what she told Rosalie. So Rosalie felt the need to break the news to Edward.

Kellan Lutz

Q: What is the one question that you hope you never get asked again in an interview?

Lutz: Do I wear boxers or briefs? I think it's such a funny one, and there's always someone — and they're usually older than 50 — who asks that question.

Q: What is the one question you wish were asked more often?

Lutz: Well, I'm really into charity work and telling people about that. It's always hard to get to that answer [during an interview]. Talking about the charities that I'm involved in, helping families and kids, is really something that I'm involved in and really near to my heart. Just showing love to molested kids and giving them a birthday and telling them that God loves you and it's OK to have fun and smile, to give them a stuffed animal and watch them be happy. I wish I could talk more about the charities that I'm involved in and that we have so much opportunity in the end to make a difference out there.

Edi Gathegi

Q: Have you bought anything exciting with your "Twilight" earnings?

Gathegi: I bought a plane ticket home to see Mom. That's exciting!

Q: What does Mom think of "Twilight"?

Gathegi: Oh, she loves it! But Mom is not the perfect gauge, because she's Mom. My mom is very deeply religious, but she loves "Gone Baby Gone." I'm throwing F-bombs everywhere [in that movie]; I'm killing people. And she's like, "That's brilliant!" But I live beneath my means, because that's important. As an actor, you never know what is going to happen. You don't know when your next job is going to come. I mean, I'm doing all right now, but after "New Moon," I don't know. So you have got to prepare. It's an unsteady lifestyle, and you have to be smart about the money that you make. You might need it later on down the line.

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