has a great interview with Eclipse Wolves Alex Meraz, Chaske Spencer and Julia Jones:
The werewolf pack may hate the vampires, but they band together to battle an army of newborn bloodsuckers in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. And that gave Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz and newcomer Julia Jones a chance to spring into action.
They told's Jeanne Wolf why they supported their fierce leader, played by Taylor Lautner, while wishing he'd just forget about his passion for Bella.
Advice to guys suffering for love. Julia Jones: "I guess if I had a friend like Jacob who was risking his life for a girl who was hooked on someone else, I'd probably advise him to back off. I think you can be in love with more than one person at a time, but I think only one of them can matter. You should love in the way that love can come to mean something. I think you can only have that kind of meaning with one person and that's where Bella is going. She's Edward's girl."
Holding her own as a lady werewolf. Julia: "I was a tomboy growing up, so the action stuff felt really familiar. I have a younger brother who's about the same age as Chaske and Alex, so there was something that resonated about keeping up with them. I really loved the way my Leah wolf character looked. I was like, 'Oh my gosh. She's so cute, even though she's fierce.' She's like smaller and little bit more fragile, but she could do some damage."
Werewolves are more fun. Chaske Spencer: "We're a little more interesting than the vampires. They have to have that serious demeanor and we can be a little looser on the set. There were moments when we definitely brought out the goofy side of Kristen Stewart every now and then."
For instance... Alex Meraz: "In New Moon we had to run around in shorts, but because it was freezing we'd bundle up in these robes between takes. We were always joking around and pretending like we really had nothing on underneath. So I'd jump in front of Kristen and fling open my robe like I was flashing her and she was like, 'Oh God, no.'"
Why is that werewolf smiling? Alex: "In the big battle in Eclipse, we were running in the rain in what seemed like a foot of water. My background is dancing and I feel like I'm really good on my feet. I told the rest of the cast, 'All right, you guys. It's slippery out there. Don't put any weight on your heels. Go on the balls of your feet and you'll get more traction.' So everyone else did great, but, of course, I slipped and fell. I had mud all over me. That was the take they used. If you look at me, I have a smirk on my face because they used the moment after I slipped and I was trying not to laugh."
Trying to deal with overnight fame. Julia: "I was terrified. Sometimes, I still am. What surprised me is how grounded Taylor and Kristen are. They were the first two people I met and they were so nice and down to earth. We'd show up to work really caring and wanting to do the best we could. I feel like that bonded us and it also took away the fear."
Chaske: "No one really gives you a book on how to be a celebrity when you suddenly have fans everywhere. But there are ways to keep your life private. There are ways to conduct yourself and do good work. In the end, we're just actors. But we're very lucky actors. We tease each other a lot to keep us humble. If the ego gets too big, we cut each other down."