Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon Breaks All-Time Single Day Box Office Record!

FRIDAY NUMBERS: Sources estimate that The Twilight Saga: New Moon took in $72M on Friday, setting a new all-time single day box office record.

Friday's number includes the previously reported all-time record $26.27M in midnight screenings. This one-day total is also not far below the $85M 3-day weekend estimate originally proffered by Summit and accepted by many industry insiders. Few expected the film to approach the $100M mark. My personal guess, which I made last Tuesday, was $110M. Based on the numbers already in, advance sales, and tracking polls, some are now predicting a $125M weekend. That wouldn't top The Dark Knight's $158.4M opening but would be the biggest non-summer 3-day opening weekend of all time.

These numbers are unofficial and likely won't be announced by Summit until several hours from now, when I'll post an update. If that number for Friday's opening holds up, it would far surpass that of The Dark Knight, which took in $67.17M on July 18, 2008 (including $18.4M from midnights). That film's take dropped 29.1% from Friday to Saturday to bring in another $47.65M, and ended with $43.6M on Sunday for an opening weekend total of $158.4M.

As I've been saying all week on my Twitter, though, the key to the total weekend box office will be the percentage drop (or increase) from Friday to Saturday. One year ago this weekend, Twilight dropped 40.8% from Friday to Saturday. As terrific as that film's opening day's numbers were, they didn't hold up. So that's the key to this weekend. No matter how well New Moon did on Friday it won't surpass 3-day record holder The Dark Knight if there's a significant decline today.

No matter what the totals turn out to be, this will be the biggest opening of all time for an independent film. The top four places are held by major Hollywood studio films: The Dark Knight (Warner Bros.) at $158.4M, Spider-Man 3 (Sony/Columbia) at $1.51M, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Disney/Buena Vista) at $135.6M, and Shrek the Third (Paramount/Dreamworks) at $121.6M.

Breaking Records & Breaking Hearts! ;)

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